What we do

We found this chair on the left in a very sorry state, the upholstery was tired and sagging, the fabric was dirty and worn out, the paint deteriorating and the frame unstable.

We stripped off all the fabric, upholstery and paint work, repaired and solidified the frame, repainted the frame in Little Greene's robust satin wood paint, replaced all upholstery with new strapping, foam and a beautiful new modern fabric as its top coat, finished off with piping in the same fabric and added glides to the feet to protect your flooring and carpets.

What a difference, don't you think?

Smoke Stained Oil Painting

On bringing home these oil on board pictures we could see that the painting looked dull and tired so we set to cleaning the frame first, removed decades of dirt, grime, smoke from an open fire and stains from cigarettes.

We then set to cleaning the oil painting, removed all the smoke, dirt and grime and could see the paint on the picture stand out.

To finish we covered the painting with an artistic varnish and coated the frame with a gold effect paint before putting it all back together again. There were 3 pictures in total.

These pictures shine again

Discarded Cupboard

The cupboard on the left, as you can see was defaced, was unloved, all the paintwork extremely tired and flaky and door furniture missing. The inside was just as bad and was put out for the tip.

We stripped off all the paint, repaired any damaged wood before we started to revive this piece. We then set ourselves on the recovery path, painted with a strong undercoat, then finished with Little Greene's satin wood finish paint, inside and out, then wallpapered the inside back and sides before cleaning and replacing the hinges and add new door knobs.

We liked this one so much we kept it.